Saturday, November 5, 2011

Review: Puss In Boots

Puss In Boots...meOW!!! How can you not go watch this pre-quel starring the best character of the Shrek series? Featuring the voices of Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek, Puss is a great film for audiences young, old, and everyone in between. The story opens with Puss as an outlaw, but has a nice built in re-telling in Puss' words of his history, his childhood, his friendship with Humpty Alexander Dumpty (yes, this egg has a middle name ^_^), the betrayal in the friendship that is concise but well felt and told. Puss agrees to Humpty's plans to steal magic beans, the very same from Jack and the Beanstalk, so that they could repay their hometown with the golden eggs. The adventure doesn't end there as a suspected twist plays out and Puss must, and of course, willingly does save the day.

Fun and charming, exactly how one would imagine a movie starring Puss would be. Moves along well and doesn't miss a beat, good use of adapting Jack and Jill, as well as Jack and the Beanstalk and Humpty Dumpty into the storyline, making it feel credible and well placed. Visually is great and definitely makes use of the 3D to draw you in throughout the film that includes chases, swordfights and more.


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